7 thoughts on “LTB Episode-13, Kinstructive Criticism

  1. For Nalâ-dûm Lizard-slayer one trick is to get to the lizard mini-boss with two small lizard adds. Kill the two adds and then back up to reset. The adds will reappear. Keep repeating until your deed is done. Here’s a video I found if you need a visual of the location: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m_DhTwsRYQ

    As for knowing which quest deeds to finish for the Dol Amroth armour. One thing I noticed is that in the barter window you can select a piece, then hover your cursor over the grayed-out barter button at the bottom of the window, and it will tell you what you need to finish before you can get that piece. Regardless, I kind of agree with you. An guide for this would be much more helpful.

    1. Jodi,
      Thanks for the tip! I did not know that boss was so easy to reset. Too late for me, but I will pass it along to the viewers! Tomeoric also let me know about the hover tip when bartering. Please see the link to his excellent article below. Cheers!

  2. Great episode buddy…
    At last someone talks about kinship’s. Now that balls rolling please don’t stop it.
    With Turbine removing the minimum requirement for forming a kinship, lots of new kind have been formed.
    Many of these new kin leaders have little, or even no experience of what is involved in the day to day running of a successful kinship.
    . see where I’m heading yet ?
    I’d love to hear in a future episode your take on the in’s & out’s of running a kinship.
    Keep up the good work my dwarven friend but be careful what you eat, you don’t want to get caught short do you

  3. The trick with Barrow-Bree is to stick the whole block in your mouth at once. That way, it’ll be a fun surprise if you suddenly start choking from the flavor, or the giant wedge of cheese now lodged in your throat.

    Great episode, I feel ya on the whole kinship chateroo…keep up the great work.

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