2 thoughts on “LTB Episode-87, Temporal Impermanence

  1. Hey Braag,

    You had a lot to say and share in the last three podcasts, sorry I did not comment sooner.

    On a bad note, I left the kinship, no drama or hard feelings just not the right fit for me.

    To respond to some of the things you shared, I have had several friends do lots of different books and dice gaming with remote players. I’m talking like 15 years back before we were talking apps and what cool cell phone someone had. My friends were using PDA’s for random number generators. I’m sure it will work great with anything you pick because of the energy you put into it.

    Miniatures are a must, for D and D, Star Wars, Rolemaster etc. They add a nice dynamic and involvement, painting them is a ton of fun too.

    Its too bad the movie people don’t realize we want to see movies all the year around.
    Solo suffered for a lot of reasons, its release date was way wrong, December would of been great for it.

    I nominated your podcast for the Beacon Spotlight: From the site
    To nominate something for a Community Spotlight, email LOTRO@standingstonegames.com
    with the subject line “COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT”

    We will get you on their list someday man : )

    Dropped out of LOTRO again for a bit playing Shadowrun Returns, Dragonfall and Hong Kong through Steam. Been compulsively playing, reminds me of the old Sega version but waaayyy better and a lot of fun.

    I have been in LOTRO for a few days now, feel like I am way behind but what you have been sharing in your podcasts is helping me fill in the gaps, thank you for that.

    You still have a viewer Master Dwarf, hope to see you in game, keep the Beacons Lit Brother Man. I may not be the viewer you want but I am the viewer you need LOL
    You can mail me some goat droppings from Moria for that one LOL

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